What would your life

look like if you stopped

obsessing about food?


Are you in a constant battle with food and your body?

You’re always thinking about what your next meal will be.

Is it healthy enough? Will you have to “work off” the calories later? Do you need to save up calories from another meal to eat it?”

You’re either super strict on a diet, or feeling totally out of control with food… there’s no in between.

I’m sick of always starting a new diet… only to fail yet again.”

You know you want to stop dieting, but the alternatives seem like a scary free-for-all.

“Without a diet I know I’ll only eat garbage and gain a ton of weight!”

You obsess over the number on the scale or how you look in the mirror.

“I can’t believe I let that number get so high,.. I feel so out of control. I hate my body.”

You end so many days judging yourself and your self-worth by what you did or didn’t eat.

“I can’t believe I ate that much tonight… I’m going to have to eat super clean tomorrow and burn it off at the gym.”

If this sounds like you… you’re in the right place.

What if there was a way to achieve these things…

  • Better body appreciation

  • Less binge & emotional eating

  • Improved blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol

  • More motivation to exercise

  • More good moods

  • Increased dietary variety

  • Improved self-esteem

  • More pleasure in eating

  • More positive emotional functioning

  • More life satisfaction

… without having these things?

  • Restriction & strict rules

  • Weight cycling

  • Exercise as punishment

  • Counting calories or macros

  • Food fear & food stress

  • Obsessing about food

  • Tracking meals

  • Feeling hungry all the time

  • Guilt & shame

  • Body hate

  • Negative self-talk

And what would it feel like if you could…

Stop eating when you are comfortably full instead of physically uncomfortable?

Keep your favorite foods in the house without feeling out of control because you actually *trust* yourself around them?

Know how to work *with* your metabolism instead of constantly fighting against it?

Choose something nutritious to eat with ease instead of feeling like you have to?


Real Good

Intuitive Eating

THE step-by-step Intuitive Eating roadmap designed to help you UNLEARN dieting so you can STOP RESTRICTING & BINGE EATING AND find a healthier, balanced relationship with food.

Here’s what’s included:


Our Intuitive Eating Course Curriculum

Every week, you'll unlock new content designed to lead you step-by-step toward a more balanced relationship with food. Each phase of the journey comes with 4 weeks of video modules from Emmy, evidence-based video, audio, & written exercises, journal prompts, dietitian resources, and more.

Here’s a look into what each phase of the program looks like:

  • You'll learn what happens to your metabolism, weight, and overall health when you diet or restrict, and how to finally leave that cycle and the food stress that comes with it for good.

    You'll get practical information on reconditioning your body to send and respond to clear hunger cues, and tools to avoid the "deprivation set-ups" that lead to binge and overeating episodes.

    You'll also get instructions for a proven 5-step process for making peace with "off limits" foods.

  • You'll learn practical steps to change destructive dieting beliefs into helpful nutrition thinking, including how to eat what you really want without guilt or feeling like you're "losing control."

    You'll learn mindset shifts around the feeling of fullness, understand the reasons why you may eat past this point, and how to stop eating when you're actually full.

    You'll get clear tools for how to deconstruct and change your emotional eating patterns in a way that is kind to your body.

  • You'll learn all about set point weight theory and how to practice body respect.

    You'll get concrete tips on working through bad body image days, and how to stop focusing only on how many calories your body burns during exercise.

    You'll gain an in-depth understanding of weight and health, where weight loss fits into Intuitive Eating, why an "ideal body weight" isn't helpful, and the health effects of weight stigma.

    Lastly, you'll learn how to eat without a diet plan or tracking calories with practical meal planning advice, diet culture myth busting, and meal & snack ideas.



Here’s how our clients have felt in 12 weeks…

I’m not forcing things anymore!

I don’t label food as good or bad, or have the idea that I need to workout to ‘burn off what I ate.’ I eat when I’m hungry and have noticed I can have cookies in the house and not eat them all in one sitting.

I also incorporate movement on the days I feel rested and let my body tell me what it needs.


I haven’t restricted or binged since the program.

I eat the foods I want to eat, when I want them, and miraculously my body knows balance naturally.

I don’t have to skip out on celebratory pleasures or analyze if I really “need'“ that cookie. By allowing myself freedom to say “yes” to what my body is sking form I have found that my body asks for what I previosuly would have categorized as “healthy foods” just as much, if not more, than the foods I felt I needed to restrict.



What is Intuitive Eating?

Click below each image to learn more about our evidence-based training methods.

Frees you from the restrictive diet cycle.

  • It’s the cycle that starts with dieting, rules, and restrictions. Maybe you’re trying to lose weight, maybe you’re trying to clean up your diet. Either way, at some point, those rules leave you feeling so deprived that you just “give in” at some point. You’re left feeling totally out of control, and you don’t trust yourself around food at all so you start another diet to get yourself “back on track.” And the cycle continues…

    I know you’re exhausted.

    This is where Intuitive Eating can help because it’s designed to liberate you from that exhausting deprivation 🔁 loss of control cycle.

    When we constantly chase after weight loss diets or rigid meal plans, we lose touch with our body’s innate wisdom. In other words, we stop trusting our own bodies and the signals they send us.

    Intuitive Eating encourages us to step off this rollercoaster and embrace a more compassionate approach to food and our bodies. By rejecting the diet mentality, we can focus on nourishing our bodies without guilt or deprivation.

    With this program, you’ll learn to trust your hunger cues, honor your cravings, and learn how to nourish your body in a way that feels physically and mentally good AND supports your metabolism.

    Carry this mantra with you: Our bodies are not problems to be fixed but rather beings deserving of care and respect

Improves the connection with your body.

  • “Are you really hungry again? You just ate!”

    “I’m always hungry for more food after dinner no matter how full I am.”

    “Is that actual hunger, or am I just having a craving?”

    “Why do I always clean my plate, even when I’m already full?“

    In a world bombarded with external messages about what we should eat, it can feel impossible to know what’s actually right for our bodies… and it’s really easy to lose sight of our internal compass.

    Intuitive Eating helps get you back to you by inviting us to cultivate body awareness and connection.

    This program will help you learn to actually listen to your body - the gentle rumble of hunger, the subtle signs of fullness, and the specific foods that truly satisfy us - instead a set of food rules and calorie limits.

    By tuning in, we build a bridge of trust between mind and body. This program will help to teach you self-compassion and acceptance, fostering a positive (or at least neutral!) relationship with food and body image. Beginning to see our bodies as allies, not adversaries, and recognizing that they hold more innate wisdom than any diet plan, is one of the most beautiful outcomes of Intuitive Eating.

Removes disruptors to your self-attunement.

  • “You shouldn’t eat gluten, it’s inflammatory. ”

    “Eating carbs is going to make you fat.”

    “I don’t let myself have any refined sugar.”

    “I ate so bad yesterday, I need to eat really clean today to make up for it.”

    We all know this voice: the food police. They’re everywhere - judging our choices, dictating portion sizes, and holding us to unrealistic standards. The food police are a type of external influence that interferes with our ability to do things like choose food to eat, clothes to wear, and exercise that feels good to us vs. what someone or something else thinks we should do.

    This program will help you identify these disrupters and negative voices, challenge their authority, and reject the guilt & shame they cause. You’ll learn to reject long-held food & exercise rules and instead make peace with food and your body.

    Together we’ll learn how to align principles of nutrition with your physical, mental, and emotional health. In other words, you’ll learn how to eat in a way that honors your health without letting it rule your life. You’ll learn how to move your body and how to talk to yourself in ways that show kindness and respect instead of self-hate and punishment.

Intuitive Eating for Eating Disorders

Is Intuitive Eating helpful for all stages of eating disorder recovery?

Eating disorder recovery is a complex and multifaceted process. Depending on the stage of recovery someone is in, Intuitive Eating may not be a helpful or appropriate component of their treatment plan.

  • Depending on the type of eating disorder, intuitive eating may not be the primary focus or appropriate in the initial stages of recovery.

    The most important reason for this is that the primary focus in early recovery is typically stabilizing physical health, including addressing any medical complications and restoring weight. This needs to be done before we can work on things like addressing one’s judgments and beliefs about food or understanding the harms of dieting and diet culture.

    Also, an important part of early recovery for some may include establishing regular eating patterns. This may mean following a meal plan with your treatment team at first to ensure nutritional needs are met. Because it can often be very hard to connect with your body and sense/trust the signals it sends in early recovery, starting to eat in a more predictable way helps to reconnect with hunger and satiety cues, creating the foundations for Intuitive Eating that can be built on further as recovery and treatment progresses.

  • As the recovery journey progresses, intuitive eating relevant because the focus shifts from immediate stabilization to building a healthier relationship with food and one’s body.

    As eating patterns become less chaotic, Intuitive Eating encourages attunement to internal cues and we can start the process of learning to trust one’s body.

    Depending on the each individual, it might be an appropriate time to challenge food-related fears, introduce fear foods, and learn to tolerate discomfort - all things Intuitive Eating can help with.

  • Intuitive Eating aligns well with the goals of sustained well-being and preventing relapse during advanced recovery. It emphasizes self-compassion, joyful non-punitive movement, body acceptance and respect, flexibility in food choices, and reject external diet rules. It helps individuals gradually incorporate nutrition knowledge and learn to honor their preferences and needs without rigid food rules.

Intuitive Eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but it can be a valuable tool in eating disorder recovery when used appropriately. Remember that recovery is unique for each person, and a multidisciplinary team (including therapists, dietitians, and medical professionals) plays a crucial role in tailoring treatment strategies.

If you are unsure if this program is appropriate for you at your stage of recovery, talk with your treatment team to make sure they are on board. You can also always send me a message to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Depending on where you are in your eating disorder recovery journey, Intuitive Eating can help.


Hi! I’m Emmy.

Registered Dietitian

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

I'm so glad you're here!

I’ll spare you my whole bio because I’m quite long-winded (you can read my whole story here!), but I will say this:

I’m not going to sell you the whole spiel that I’m “just like you.” Because I’m not. No one is! Your experiences in your body are unique. Your experiences with food are unique. I can’t pretend to know what those feel like!

But what I do know is that if you’re struggling with food or your body image (and maybe throw a chronic disease in there), we might share some of those experiences…

But my experiences with disordered eating aren’t the main reason why I believe in Intuitive Eating so deeply.

It’s because I've seen it change the way my clients think about food and behave around it. I've seen it break down years of strongly held thoughts about food and their bodies that damaged their quality of life and relationships. I've seen it help my clients heal from eating disorders and disordered eating patterns, and learn to manage their chronic diseases or health concerns without restriction. I've seen it help my clients stop obsessing about food, stop feeling guilt for eating, and say "enough is enough" to years drowning in diet culture. I’ve seen it help my clients learn to respect their bodies and give up the idea that there is one magical diet out there still waiting for them. And I’ve seen it allow my clients to feel like they can show up in this world, just as they are, and feel valued.

I’m so thankful that you’re here, and I can’t wait to see this program give you the same hope that my other clients have found: that a different, more free relationship with food and your body is possible.

  • I’ve been on the restrict ➡ lose control ➡ binge ➡ rebound weight gain ➡ restrict again cycle so many times. I thought my body and my food choices were my identity… so much so that these things were all I could think about. I body checked no less than 50x a day, and I scrutinized every little part of myself whenever I walked by a mirror. I’ve gotten wrapped up in so many crazy diets (like the time I did a raw foods diet and made my family eat that way for Thanksgiving lol sorry Mom) even though my rational brain knew they were BS. I celebrated the feeling of going to bed hungry, and I felt completely out of control and spiral when I would break a rule (like no carbs after lunch… like why?!). I bought clothes that were too small because I couldn’t fathom buying a larger size… the size that would actually fit, be comfortable, and respect my body where it was at. I did two-a-day workouts as punishment for eating something "bad”), and I exercised so excessively that I ended up needing two hip surgeries because I tore all my cartilage. I obsessed over ingredients to the point that I checked every product barcode using an app to make sure it wasn't "toxic." The only thought I had between meals was what I was going to eat at the next one. I restricted almost all carbs just to end up bingeing on any carb I could get my hands on, which would only lead me to double down the restriction again.

    And still... it was never enough for me to feel good in my body.

    Read that again.

    So again, I’m never going to pretend that I know everything about your experiences in your body, in your world. I’ll never say that my experiences are the same as those who have to navigate our healthcare system and society as a whole riddled with anti-fat bias. I don’t know exactly how you feel. I might know a small part of certain experiences you’ve had, but the most important thing is that I am here for you. I’m here to listen to you, validate your experiences, and create a safe environment for you to get curious, learn, and develop the relationship with food and your body that sets you free from restriction, disconnection, and self-distrust. I know it takes a lot of trust on your end to invite me in to lead you on this journey, so know that I don't take that trust lightly.

All my love <3

Your dietitian, coach, & biggest cheerleader,



What was your experience like working with Emmy?


Enrollment Options


Course Only Option

What is it: Everything you’ve been looking for to change your relationship with food. Except this time it’s coming with evidence-based information and a focused plan from an expert.

  • 12 self-paced modules that will give you step-by-step practical guidance through the entire Intuitive Eating program

  • 20 video and audio trainings & exercises (listen on the go!)

  • 45 guided exercises and worksheets (printable!)

  • Done-for-you journal prompts & templates

  • Resources from trusted guest experts on Intuitive Eating, exercise, body image, and more

  • Lifetime access to ALL materials

  • Several payment options available

  • Bonus! Dietitian-curated list of 50+ filling meal and snack ideas!

One Time Payment: $247

  • 2 monthly payments: $125 each

    3 monthly payments: $85 each

    4 monthly payments: $65 each


Course + Membership Option

What is it: A subscription-based program with everything included in the Course Only Option, plus:

  • Monthly live coaching sessions with Emmy and your community for Q&A, troubleshooting challenge areas, and 1-on-1 support (all sessions are recorded if you can’t join!)

  • Updated weekly meal and snack ideas designed to help you stay satisfied and energized longer (including specific products & brands)

  • Monthly on-demand videos on new topics in Intuitive Eating and nutrition from your expert dietitian, Emmy

  • Membership to our private community with Emmy to ask your Intuitive Eating and nutrition questions, share resources, and get support from others experiencing the same things

  • The Gentle Nutrition Meal Planning E-Book complete with 50+ filling meal and snack ideas!

Monthly Membership: $67/month (founding members price!)

This is a subscription product billed on a monthly basis. You can cancel anytime.

Enrollment starts Winter 2024!

Add your name here to be the first to know when sign-ups start (and get a sweet early bird deal, too!)


Imagine feeling this way after 12 weeks…

I feel healthier now that I find joy in exercise and eating again.

I’ve rediscovered my love of walking which I had abandoned due to the mindset of it “not being enough,” and I’ve found myself eating a lot more fruit and vegetables not because I feel like I have to but because I don’t find myself constantly craving and eating things like pizza and ice cream since I’m allowed to have those foods anytime I want.

…I feel so much better about myself…


I don’t think about food constantly anymore.

I’m able to give myself so much more grace… I don’t see food as good or bad. I truly can just eat and not think twice about it. I am still struggling a bit to choose nutritious food over play foods and sometimes I feel guilty about that but I’m able to abolish that guilt pretty quickly with the coping techniques learned in class.



A welcome message from Emmy

Click above to enlarge!


See why our clients signed up…

  • "I constantly thought about what my next meal would be...

    … if it was healthy enough, if I would have to "work off" the calories later, if I needed to save calories from another meal for it, etc. A super unhealthy relationship with food!”

  • "I have been dieting since I was basically in 7th grade (I am now 34)...

    …I wanted desperately to get off the diet rollercoaster that has consumed my life.”

  • "I have suffered from eating disorders, bingeing and restricting, obsessively dieting, assigning value to food (“good” “bad”)...

    … and letting my food and exercise thoughts control my life and inform my self-worth.”

  • "Like so many others - because I was sick of dieting...

    … but terrified of eating and trusting myself.”

  • "I was constantly challenged...

    … with dieting, restricting, binging and guilt.”

  • "To forgive myself...

    … and free myself from years of disordered eating.”

Most Asked Questions

  • Yes! You can either do a one-time payment of $747, or 3 payments of $275.

  • This is not a weight loss program, nor is weight loss the goal. As you heal your relationship with food, your weight may go up, or down, or not change at all. If a goal for weight loss is at the forefront of your mind, it automatically has a hand in all of your food-related decisions. In other words, it really detaches you from your own body and gaining that trust back if you're thinking "I shouldn't eat that because it'll cause me to gain weight" vs. "I shouldn't eat that because I'm not hungry for it / don't actually like it / etc."

    If you're open to another way of eating and living that doesn't involve dieting, counting, restricting, or punishment with exercise, this is for you... even if you have a desire to lose weight. My ask is just that you put that desire to the back of your mind in order for you to learn these new skills, behaviors, and thought patterns without the pressure and urgency that comes with wanting to lose weight.

    Want to chat more about this? Send me a message and we can set up a call!

  • Yes! You'll have the option to add on 1-on-1 coaching calls with me at any time during the first 3 months after enrolling in the program (and if you like working together, you can always sign up as a private client if you live in one of my eligible states!). You can use these calls to ask questions, troubleshoot challenge areas, get individualized meal & snack ideas, and anything else that would support your Intuitive Eating work!

    If you choose the Course + Membership option, you'll also be able to ask me questions live during our monthly Q&A calls (and don't worry if you can't make these, they will always be recorded and available to watch anytime).

    Lastly, both enrollment options give you the ability to message me in the private community anytime.

  • Because this is a self-study course, you can start anytime you're ready! There's no one set start date for either enrollment option (Course Only Option or Course + Membership Option).

  • No worries at all. All sessions are recorded for you to go back and watch or re-watch! If you have follow up questions after watching, you can always ask away in the private community space or schedule a 1-on-1 coaching call with me to chat more.

  • Unfortunately there are no refunds on this program or any service from Real Good Nutrition. But I do want to make sure you are comfortable with investing, so please reach out with any questions or concerns you have prior to signing up!

  • Anyone that promises quick or easy fixes when it comes to your relationship with food should be an instant red flag. Everything in the course is designed to help you get deeper into your IE practice, but I want you to feel safe to reflect rather than get to a place that you're not ready to be at yet. All of the exercises or resources that I give you are always 100% optional.

    In terms of time, be prepared to dedicate at least 1-2 hours per week to modules and exercises. Busy schedule? I totally hear you, and don't sweat it. Everything can be done on your own time, and if you can't make a group session you can always watch the replay and reach out to the group with any questions afterward.

  • It’s a really supportive online group - sort of like a private Facebook group but not on Facebook. It’s a place you can ask me or the group questions, get ideas, troublshoot challenges, vent, celebrate wins, and continue to learn!

  • I work all the time with clients who are in their ED recovery process on Intuitive Eating (both in and out of this program) if they are at an appropriate place in their recovery. With that being said, if you are in the early phases of ED recovery, this is likely not appropriate for you, especially if you and your care team's active goals involve medical stabilization.

    I highly recommend chatting with your therapist and/or scheduling a call with me (or sending me a message!) to make sure this is a good fit for you and where you're at in your journey.

    Important: This program does not provide Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for eating disorders and it is not a substitute for higher levels of care, medical treatment, or psychotherapy/counseling.


Choose Your Plan



  • 12 self-paced modules

  • 20 video and audio trainings

  • 45 guided exercises and worksheets

  • Done-for-you journal prompts

  • Resources from trusted guest experts

  • Lifetime access to ALL materials

  • Bonus! Dietitian meal & snack ideas

  • 2 monthly payments: $125 each

    3 monthly payments: $85 each

    4 monthly payments: $65 each



Limited time pricing for founding members!

Everything included in the Course Only Option, plus:

  • Weekly meal and snack ideas

  • Monthly live coaching calls

  • Monthly nutrition videos from your dietitian, Emmy

  • Membership to private support community

  • The Gentle Nutrition Meal Planning E-Book

Add your name here to be the first to know when sign-ups start (and get a sweet early bird deal, too!)

Enrollment starts Winter 2024!

Don’t make yourself wait for the relationship with food that you want.

I know what you’re thinking…

“I’m just going to lose these last 5 pounds before starting.”

“I should just try one last diet…”

“I really need to clean up my diet and get back on track before committing to this.”

“I’m just going to try to do this on my own with whatever I can find online for free.”

But why make yourself wait?

There’s a reason why you haven’t been able to lose those 5 pounds - diets don’t work, and another one isn’t the answer.

There’s not one last magical diet out there that works that you just haven’t found yet.

We start where you’re at right now - nothing needs to change or happen before starting.

You’ve been saying this for a long time, and have you actually made progress?

Don’t put your future happiness on hold. It’s time to try something new now.


Still unsure if this program would work for you?